Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Monday, 26 July 2010

Working 9-5 (well, 8.30-6, but you can't make a song out of that.. music of course)

Words cannot describe how bored I actually am. Oh my God. No one, in the history of mankind, has ever been as bored as I am right now. Oh. My. God. The most boring day of my life ever. In fact, the most boring day of ANYBODY'S life ever. Alhamdulillah.

I sit here at work, as I have done for the past 7 hours or so (in which time I could have flown to India... that's how I gain a relative grasp of long hours, by comparing them to flight journeys. I find that it makes for better complaining...), and all that I'm honestly achieving (and I've thought deep and hard about this) is WASTING MY LIFE. Ahhhh, I mean, OK. I'm getting paid. Alhamdulillah. It'll look good on my CV. Alhamdulillah. But all of that will only matter if I make it out of this place and don't DIE OF BOREDOM.

OK OK, maybe I'm slightly over exaggerating. But only slightly. A really small slightly. I just spend the whole day, sitting in this little depressing cubicle, and doing nothing. I mean, sometimes to spice things up I'll throw in a little bit of work in between all the nothing, but it never lasts too long. I get work, I do the work, then there's no work. And I sit. Eat raisins. Spend hours sneaking around online with a little tiny browser on my screen so no one can see. And try and not go to the bathroom. That's my average day. That's how it's been for 2 weeks, and that's how it'll be for another 7... eurgh.

My office has pretty much cleared up now, no longer need to worry about sneaking online. But I think I'll go pray now. Alhamdulillah for masah on khuffain.

P.S. It's lonely being the only beard in the office...