Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


I guess a good starting point would be to say why I'm starting a blog, and lay down the way in which I plan to do this thing. The why's are as follows:

1) I love writing. I enjoyed it at school, despite all the deadlines and how repetitive it would become. But this is a different kind of writing, I can just write what I want, you don't know who I am, I don't have to follow any silly rules about structure or grammar, I can just write.

2) This is gonna be cathartic for me. I can express my ideas, say what's on my mind, and let out whatever's really bothering me. You may be thinking 'why don't you just write something like a diary instead then?'. Good question. But writing a diary gets boring, I've tried a few times before and never stick to it. I need an audience. How else will I satisfy my ego? :).

3) My sister always tells me to write one so that she can read it. My blog is therefore in part dedicated to her (I'm so selfless..).

OK, so now the rules and what you can expect..

1) I don't wanna use too many big words or write all sophisticated and what not. I guess I talk like that at times in real life, but I prefer just talking like a normal person. Plus it always annoys me when people do it, as if they're showing off their intelligence, or have no idea what point they're making so instead mask it with big fancy words. But it'll happen at times, I go through phases.

2) I'll try to not use too much slang, but it'll inevitably come out. I don't wanna say something in my head and write it out differently to how I thought it, because then it just wouldn't be MY blog. I'll make a glossary post or page at some point, so don't worry about it :).

3) I'm gonna use some other informal language too, like gonna, kinda, wanna, etc. Just because I've noticed that when I type online it just comes out like that.

4) I'll use a lot of commas. I can't help it, I've always done it. They won't be in the wrong places though.

5) Some of my posts will be pretty long. I've always has a problem with writing too much (when I was 7 in year 3 I wrote a 5-page poem on the colour blue. My parents still repeat that story to me over and over again). I'll try to keep most of them short and snappy, but sometimes I'll ramble and sometimes what I write will be deserving of a few extra lines.

6) I have no problem starting my sentences with words like but, and, etc. Some people care, others don't. I don't.

7) I might sound a bit whiny at times (I don't think so, but let me cover myself just in case). Forgive me. I can't help it.

8) I'll use smileys and the word lol often. Without it, the tone of what I write may often be misunderstood.

9) Please, please, pleeeease, I need whoever happens to be reading this to understand that whenever I sounds arrogant, whiny, dramatic, etc., that I'm actually just JOKING! A lot of people in my everyday life don't seem to get that. I've grown to live with it, but it doesn't mean I don't mind it. Pleeeease understand this, and then maybe you can read my blog and laugh a little and not just think I'm a loser and start hating me.

I'm gonna be really pedantic about all the points I've just listed. If I post something, and then 4 months late I realise there was a typo, or that I didn't throw in a comma, I'll edit that post.

OK, I think that's everything.

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