Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Monday, 2 August 2010

An Apology

I have a feeling I'm gonna end up writing quite a few posts like this. Maybe I should make a label for it, so you can find them all on the side. OK well, once again, I apologise. It's been a week since my last blog post, and I myself hate it when bloggers don't post at least every couple of days, so I know exactly what you're feeling! Really, I do. My excuses won't be good enough, but what it comes down to is basically a combination of me being really busy AND being reeeeally lazy. I've had a busy week, I actually do work at work now (who would have thought...), and my evenings these days are pretty occupied. Until 'ishaa time over here in London gets a bit earlier (not including Ramadan and those 10.30 taraweehs...), I imagine my evening will be quite busy for a while yet. Also, last weekend we had a whole bunch of people come to our house, so Saturday was full of cleaning (while my sister was off gallivanting in an aquarium, my life is so hard...) and Sunday was full of entertaining... and then more cleaning. Also, my mum seems to have caught some sort of Cleaning Bug and is saying how next weekend I have to stay home and clean the attic... (let's just make du'a that she doesn't make me mow the back garden). So you see, I do have a couple of valid excuses, but I know it's not good enough. I had time here and there where I could have fit in a post, and I chose to be lazy instead. I'm getting there though, I mean, my last absence lasted about a month.. so if you do the calculations (I can't be bothered but here's a guess) it looks like I'll be writing hourly before the end of the year!

Yeah, right...

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