Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Sunday 11 July 2010

My Absence

OK, so I realise I have written for a long long time. I apologise. To be completely and entirely honest with you... I'm a lazy guy. I really am. I try not to be, but I just can't help it. I'm sure there's a lazy gene or something, and I've definitely got a few. My last post was waaaay back, over a month now, and soo much has happened since. I wrote that post thinking the next day I would be travelling to Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania, and instead I found myself in Mumbai, India, 3 days later. SubhanAllah. No matter how much you plan or what you intend to do, nothing will ever come to pass but by the will of Allah. I don't want to get into the details as to why the plans changed, but nonetheless I, along with my mum, dad, and sister, ended up at my foi's (dad's sister) house in India along with about 11 other of my family members. The trip was overall quite enjoyable, although it wasn't really a holiday. I'll write about it again later in another post. I came back from India, and then about 4 days later I was off again to Marrakech with my best friend. Now that was a holiday I'll never forget, but I'll write about that in another post as well. I can make excuse about bad internet connection and being too busy, but if I really wanted to I could have found a way to keep on posting. All those reasons just gave me an excuse to not write. I guess I was feeling a little demotivated. I mean, I'd been writing a few posts but was thinking "no one's even reading this?". I came back from my exotic travels, had come to terms with just leaving my blog to gather dust before it had even had a chance to kick off, when I woke up today to an e-mail on my phone. I now have a follower, and a reason to keep on writing :).

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